
Call for Papers: Journal of Natural Science Review (JNSR)

The Journal of Natural Science Review (JNSR), a distinguished international publication committed to excellence in scientific research, invites authors to submit their manuscripts for consideration and publication.

As an esteemed platform for scholarly exchange, JNSR welcomes high-quality research contributions from academics and practitioners across a wide range of disciplines. The journal fosters the advancement and promotion of knowledge in mathematics, chemistry, physics, nuclear physics, biology, animal sciences, veterinary sciences, medical sciecnes, pharmacy, agricultural economics and extension, horticulture, plant protection, forestry and natural resources, biotechnology, soil science and irrigation, water resource management, environmental economics, disaster management, mineral studies, hydrometeorology, geo-economics, geology, technology, and computer science.

We encourage authors to submit original manuscripts, research papers, review papers, and working papers that offer novel insights and contribute to the existing body of knowledge. Submitted manuscripts should not have been previously published or under consideration for publication elsewhere.

With a commitment to open access and global accessibility, JNSR publishes on a quarterly basis and offers both online and printed versions. This ensures that researchers, scholars, and practitioners from around the world can engage with and benefit from the latest scientific discoveries and advancements.

The submission process is straightforward, and authors can find detailed guidelines on manuscript preparation and submission on the JNSR website. All manuscripts will undergo a rigorous double peer review process, ensuring the highest standards of quality and scientific rigor.

Don't miss the opportunity to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in your field and share your research with the global scientific community. Submit your manuscript to the Journal of Natural Science Review (JNSR) today!

For more information and submission guidelines, please visit our website at

We look forward to receiving your valuable contributions.


Asstt. Prof. M. Hamid Salari Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Natural Science Review (JNSR)