A Review on Troubleshooting Effective Factors in Raw Milk Off-Flavor Production: Its Control, Reduction, and Elimination Methods
Milk, Off-Flavor, Defects, Milk Plant, HeatingAbstract
Milk, a vital product derived from mammalian mammary glands, is essential for newborn nourishment and widely consumed as a food source. However, various internal and external factors can negatively impact milk’s quality, particularly its odor and flavor, which can limit its marketability and cause significant economic losses for farmers. The olfactory sense, being much more sensitive than the sense of taste, plays a key role in the perception of milk’s freshness. This review aims to evaluate the factors contributing to off-flavors and odors in raw milk and the methods for controlling, reducing, and eliminating these undesirable characteristics. Through the examination of published literature, preventive strategies and treatment options are explored, including heating, vapor treatment, Vitamin E supplementation, food additives, and flavoring agents. Additionally, proper management of nutrition, mastitis, and other influencing factors are discussed as effective ways to prevent off-flavors. By addressing these challenges, the economic situation of farmers can be improved, leading to enhanced milk quality, greater consumer acceptance, and increased profitability in the dairy sector.
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