Effects of Climate Change on Animal Production
Climate change, Farm animals, Productivity, Reproductive performanceAbstract
This paper examines the impact of global warming on animal production worldwide. The accumulation of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere is causing changes in extreme weather patterns and consequent climate variations, substantially affecting crop and animal production. Climate change is altering the meadows and pastures that serve as the primary feed sources for animal husbandry, leading to production losses and threatening the sustainability of this sector. A holistic approach is proposed to mitigate the adverse effects of heat stress on animal production. This involves identifying gene regions resistant to heat stress through breeding studies, improving the physical environment by modifying diets, and enhancing the genetic resilience of animals to climate change. Understanding the adaptation mechanisms of these genes will be crucial for future selection programs, enabling breeding animals better suited to the emerging environments resulting from climate change. Selection and breeding of climate-tolerant animals that can survive and reproduce under extreme conditions will ensure their contribution to future generations. Furthermore, responsible practices throughout the production and consumption chain are necessary to preserve a habitable environment for upcoming generations. The solution lies in a multi-pronged strategy that combines genetic research, environmental improvements, responsible practices, and sustainable animal husbandry to combat the challenges posed by global warming and ensure the long-term viability of animal production.
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