Impacts of Climate-smart Agriculture on Crop Production: A Review
Climate change, Climate-smart agriculture, Climate-smart Agriculture practices, Crop productionAbstract
Climate change(CC) factors worldwide have negatively impacted crop production. Temperature, precipitation, and greenhouse gas emissions have influenced soil fertility, irrigation resources, plant physiology, and metabolic activities in crops. Afghanistan has also encountered climate change factors, such as drought, that decreased crop production. A technologically sophisticated solution to the problems facing agriculture due to CC is called Climate-smart Agriculture (CSA). Crop rotation, crop residue management, and soil and water conservation are called Climate-smart Agriculture Practices (CSAP). It is reported that CSAP increased water use efficiency and total water storage by 9–68% and 1–13%, respectively. Furthermore, implementation of CSAP increased wheat yield by 30-45%. Although the adaptability of CSA has been investigated, little is known about the impacts of CSA on crop production. Thus, it is necessary to describe the impacts of CC on crop production and investigate widely. The review was stated to provide some understanding and recommendations on earlier studies on the topic. The review's objective is to determine the optimal CSAP that decreases the adverse effects of CC on crop production. Researchers, consultants to farmers, and policymakers can benefit from synthesizing all this information as it may help provide favorable plans to boost crop production by selecting and using relevant CSAP.
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