Farmyard Manure and Gypsum Effects on Soil pH and EC in a Semi-Arid Region of Kandahar, Afghanistan
FYM, Gypsum, Soil, PH, ECAbstract
Soil alkalinity and salinity are the two main problems in Kandahar province, which cause poor crop growth and yield losses. FYM and gypsum can reduce soil alkalinity and salinity and gradually fix the mentioned problems. The application effects of these amendments have not been investigated before in this area. Therefore, a field experiment was conducted in the old city of Kandahar province in 2023 to assess the impacts of FYM and gypsum on soil pH and EC in the common bean field. The study utilized a split-plot design, with three main plots varying FYM application rates (0, 5, and 10 t ha-1) and three subplots representing different gypsum levels (0, 2, and 4 t ha-1). Results indicated that soil pH and EC were significantly decreased with the increasing addition of FYM and gypsum at all crop growth stages. The significantly lowest pH and EC values were recorded at the harvest stage with the addition of 10-ton FYM and 4.0-ton gypsum per hectare. Except for soil EC at 30 DAS, other interaction effects between FYM and gypsum on soil pH and EC were significant at all crop growth stages. The best treatment was a combination of 10 t ha-1 FYM and 4.0 t ha-1 gypsum, followed by 5.0 t ha-1 FYM and 4.0 t ha-1 gypsum, where the lowest pH and EC values were recorded. However, these results were found from a year-long experiment conducted in the old city of Kandahar province and may be recommended.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Karamatullah Fazil, Wakil Ahmad Seerat, Hekmatullah Nimgarri, Mohmmad Hanif Haqmal

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