The Role of Livestock Resources in Sustainable Food Security and Livelihoods in Afghanistan
Food security, Climate change, Sustainable NutritionAbstract
The agri-food sector is pressured to produce more livestock products with fewer resources due to global drivers like rapid population growth and challenging climate changes. Food insecurity can lead to hunger, malnutrition, and famine over time. Recently, half of Afghanistan’s population has been food insecure due to COVID-19 and climate change, as highlighted by current food price shocks. One of the factors contributing to food insecurity is the decline of livestock production for many reasons. Meanwhile, by 2050, we will need to produce 50-70% more food to feed an additional 2 billion people, and the demand for animal-source foods (ASFs) will double. Ruminant livestock are crucial for food security by converting non-edible products into nutritious food. Still, they pose a challenge to sustainability due to resource-intensive practices and greenhouse gas emissions. In Afghanistan, empowering livestock farmers to build capacity for sustainable food security and implementing region-specific strategies for sustainable livestock production and consumption is crucial. However, creating and developing an efficient whole value chain system can help maximize dairy production and improve nutritional security in Afghanistan. Nonetheless, a single player cannot achieve livestock-based food security in Afghanistan. All stakeholders need to collaborate and recognize the significance of livestock in ensuring food security. This paper reviewed the role of livestock resources and the required percentage of ASF in human diets for sustainable nutritional security and resulting productive livelihoods in Afghanistan.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmadullah Zahir, Maazullah Nasim, Safiullah Jauhar, Emal Naseri, Abdulfahim Sarwary, Aminullah Noor, Rahimullah Amarkhil, Enayatullah Hamdard

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