Implementing a Sustainable Green Revolution Strategy for Comprehensive Economic Development in Afghanistan
Afghanistan, Economic Development, Food Security, Green Revolution, Sustainable AgricultureAbstract
Implementing the Sustainable Green Revolution Strategy in Afghanistan is thoroughly examined in this paper, with a focus on how it might boost food security and promote economic growth. The fact that agriculture employs 61.6% of the workforce and accounts for roughly 23% of the country's GDP highlights the importance of this sector to Afghanistan's economy. To ensure greater output while protecting biodiversity, the study presents the idea of "Green Revolution 2.0," which aims to modify past agricultural advances to Afghanistan's particular socioeconomic and environmental challenges. Important prospects for agricultural development are noted, such as various climates, foreign assistance, and the involvement of young people. The paper also discusses urgent issues like poor infrastructure, budgetary limitations, and how climate change affects agricultural productivity. A successful implementation approach is suggested, emphasizing education, climate-smart agriculture, credit availability, and infrastructure development. A Gantt chart, which involves stakeholders including the Afghan government, non-governmental organizations, and foreign organizations, provides an organized schedule for the actions required to carry out the strategy successfully. The results highlight the significance of strengthening community involvement, encouraging sustainable farming methods, and creating a supporting governance structure. In the end, this paper promotes a multifaceted strategy for agricultural development that seeks to enhance rural Afghanistan's general quality of life in addition to productivity, opening the door for long-term resilience and economic stability.
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