Effect of Pure Corn Oil on Growth Performance of Japanese Quail (Coturnix Coturnix Japonica)
Feed Intake, Growth Performance, Japanese Qauil, Pure Corn OilAbstract
In recent years, consecutive research has been conducted on the nutrient requirements of the quails to find an optimum and affordable legitimate growth promoter. Different types of vegetable oil have been tested so far. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of pure corn oil (PCO) on growth performance and live body weight gain in Japanese quails. A total of 80 four-day-old quail chicks were divided into two groups: control (20 checks) and experimental (60 checks). The experimental group was subdivided into three subgroups (G1, G2, and G3) of 20 chicks per group. All the control and experimental group chicks were fed a commercial grower quail diet in all three growth phases. Despite the commercial diet, the G1, G2, and G3 experimental groups were fed 1, 3, and 5% PCO, respectively. The values for live body weight did not significantly change after adding PCO to the quail’s diet. According to the study's findings, adding PCO to the commercial diet of Japanese quails in various amounts had no beneficial effects on feed consumption and growth rate. Additionally, it had an insignificant (p>0.05) detrimental impact on the growth performance of the quails compared to control groups. In conclusion, we can say that adding PCO to quail's commercial diet in the hot months of the year under Afghanistan's climate has no positive impact on growth and further slows down the rate of body weight gain.
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