The Role of Agricultural Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering in the Improvement of Medicinal Plants in Afghanistan
Agricultural biotechnology, Genetic engineering, Aromatic plants, Alkaloids, Flavonoids, Medicinal plantsAbstract
Most pharmaceutical products are derived from plants, making plants an essential source for developing and discovering novel therapeutic compounds. The phytochemical components of medicinal plants (MPs), particularly the secondary metabolites (SMs), are linked to the pharmacological effects of MPs. The widespread interest in phytotherapy, consumer preference to use natural resources, the continuous exploitation of natural resources, the economic importance of MPs in the self-sufficiency of developing countries like Afghanistan, difficulties associated with the traditional breeding methods of MPs, and resulting insufficient plant yield have made wild MPs resources unable to meet the current requirements and led researchers to search for alternative solutions. The application of genetic engineering (GE) techniques and biotechnological tools, including combinatorial biosynthesis, CRISPR/Cas9-based systems, and genetically encoded biosensors to select, multiply, improve the bio-production, biodiversity preservation; conservation of the elite and rare genotypes of important MP species in extinction is considered a possible solution. Afghanistan is one of the main exporters of MPs due to its rich flora. Even though it’s uncommon in the country to apply modern biotechnology and GE procedures to improve MPs, they may still be considered promising methods. This paper reviewed the recent successes and developments in the previously/at present use of various biotechnological and GE approaches for the improvement of MPs in Afghanistan and also to identify the main challenges the country’s plant breeders and/or scientists may face during the use of these approaches to improve MPs shortly.
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